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M&A Resources for Your Team
Interested in learning more about the ever-changing world of M&A? Check out our library of online books that cover a range of M&A topics such as change management, Agile, best practices, and more.
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How to Tie Deal Origination to Strategy Deployment
With so many companies out there, how do you know who to approach as a potential M&A target? Having a solid origination process helps teams save time and money by enabling them to target the right entities
Creating and Utilizing a Buy and Build Strategy
Learn how private equity teams use a buy and build strategy as a strategic way to add new capabilities to a company's existing platform. In this interview with, Adam Coffey, CEO at CoolSys, Refrigeration and HVAC Systems, learn how PE firms can ramp up the growth of their businesses using the buy or build strategy.
Formulating an M&A Strategy
Too many times, we've seen M&A used as a strategy to grow businesses. But in fact, M&A is not a strategy, it's a tool that organizations should use to achieve their corporate strategy.
Managing a Multi-Vertical M&A Strategy
When it comes to prioritizing what industry to focus on, it all revolves around commitment to stakeholders and investors to deliver growth while looking at the fundamental strengths, strategic attractiveness, and the financial attractiveness of the market.
How to Work with Business Leaders to Build an M&A Strategy
In order to build an M&A strategy, you need alignment and focus from the business leaders. You also need to keep them motivated and accountable for the deal post-close.
7 Steps for Developing an Acquisition Strategy
If the growth you plan to achieve over the next five years is ambitious, or your company intends to enter new markets or offer new services, acquiring another company is one of the best ways to make a head start in these endeavours. This requires a clear acquisition strategy.
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Navigating Intangible Asset Valuation
Learn how to navigate intangible asset valuation in today’s market, avoid the most common mistakes when conducting a valuation, and how the current M&A climate is impacting valuation.
How the Approach to Valuation Frames Success for Diligence and Integration
Valuation needs to be adjusted all the time as you discover more things in the process. The diligence and integration planning are the inputs and the valuation is the output.
A Review of Business Valuation Methods Available to Buyers
Establishing an accurate value of a business, whether you’re on the buy-side or sell-side, is an essential component of extracting value from a transaction.
Best M&A Valuation Courses
Accurate valuations are a vital component of almost all successful transactions. If you are interested in learning more about valuations, here is a list of the best valuation courses out there.
Avoiding Valuation Surprises and Accounting for M&A Transactions
Not every company uses the same method for valuation. In this session, Brian Buchert and PJ Patel give insight to their team's valuation "secret sauce".
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How to Draft and Negotiate a Business Acquisition Letter of Intent
An LOI outlines the structure of the deal, the duration of due diligence, management arrangements and other provisions. And LOI negotiation is best conducted using a legal team
How to Approach M&A Negotiations
How you approach negotiations can determine the success of the overall transaction and future relationship with the other party.
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How to Execute an Integration Plan (Day 1)
Throughout Gene and John’s years of experience, they know that plans never go perfectly. Always expect the unexpected. In this webinar, Gene Hugh, Chief Financial Officer at Procure Analytics, and John Morada, COO at M&A Science + DealRoom, discuss how to execute an integration plan on day one
Why is M&A Integration So Hard?
M&A deals are notorious for going belly up, particularly during the integration phase. Why is it that this phase of the process is the most difficult? Kison sits down with Galina Wolinetz from Virtas Partners and James Payne from Merger Integration Consulting to discuss.
Leading M&A with Integration
This discussion focuses around the topic of how to approach M&A with integration. Hear from Stacy Hendricks, Carlos Cesta, and Javid Moosaji on the importance of finding a well-rounded integration leader and how to get the C-suite aligned and in agreement with one another.
Why a Positive Employee Experience is Key to Successful M&A
How can companies set the tone for trust and transparency on each side of the deal throughout the deal process? During this session, Jill, Cole, Josh, and Amy discuss ways to help employees navigate through an M&A experience.
How to Modernize IMO / Building a Synergy Plan that Actually Delivers
Teams are trying to figure out how to modernize IMO, and how to build a synergy plan that actually delivers. In this session, Jonathan and Bill discuss bench strength, creating the right IMO team, tips for modernizing, and more.
21 Dimensions to Cultural Integration
Culture and integration start before the deal closes. Do you have the same values? How do you praise performance? In this session, Valeria and Jonathan discuss why culture is so important to deal success.
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Important Sell Side M&A Process Lessons
On this episode Vamsi Maddipatla, the founder and president of LAXAI, shares the biggest lessons he learned from sell side m&a transactions, and what he did differently during buy side deals.
How to Deliver Maximum Value from Divestitures
Kison speaks with Toby Tester, an M&A Consultant and Project Manager with over 20 years of experience driving strategic, financial and operational value through M&A.
How to Plan a Divestiture from HR's Perspective
Jillian Kaebel-Sis is an HR Global Mergers and Acquisitions and Divestitures Manager at Caterpillar who resides in corporate strategy and business development.
HR’s Best Practices for Protecting Employees and Deal Value During Divestitures and Carve-Outs
Undoubtedly, Human Resources deserves a seat at the M&A table. As more practitioners are taking culture, the change curve, employee satisfaction (a satisfied employee equals a productive employee), and employee expertise into account during deals, HR’s role continues to grow.
5 Signs Your Company Should Be Considering a Divestiture
Divestitures have received bad press over the years because of management hubris. It’s well documented how hubristic managers splurge on value-destroying deals when business confidence is high, only for the buyer to later admit to their error in acquiring the assets.
The Hidden Value of Adopting a Divestiture Strategy
Divestitures and investments are two sides of the same coin, but it would be incorrect to say that they’re similar. Divestitures bring a set of risks distinctly different to those present on the buy side which need to be understood.