Why a Positive Employee Experience is Key to Successful M&A

Jun 10, 2020 12:00 AM (CST)


Cole Breidenbach
Pre and Post-Sales GTM and M&A Integration at Okta
Josh Olson
Head of Experience Solutions Sales - Americas at VMware
Amy Gannaway
Vice President, Global Compensation, Benefits and HRIS at VMware
Jill Harrison
VP of Silverline Ventures

How can companies set the tone for trust and transparency on each side of the deal throughout the deal process? During this session, Jill, Cole, Josh, and Amy discuss ways to help employees navigate through an M&A experience.

This webinar features the following speakers -

Jill Harrison, VP of Silverline Ventures

Cole Breidenbach, Head of M&A Integration at Okta

Josh Olson, Head of Experience Solutions Sales - Americas at VMware

Amy Gannaway, Vice President, Global Compensation, Benefits and HRIS at VMware

During this webinar, you will learn about

  • Employee support, making sure when companies come together that all boxes are checked off
  • Operational requirements of getting people aligned and have a good experience
  • How to leverage the acquired company leaders in communication or what mechanisms / processes to use to avoid potential disconnects

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