Integration Plan Day 1 Readiness Checklist

This buildable checklist ensures that nothing is missed during the integration process. It includes all the typical guidelines and requirements needed for successful integration with space to customize and add tasks specific to your unique deal. Book a playbook demo to explore — schedule a call with us and we will reach out to help you get started.

This template is included in all DealRoom's plans

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Excel Export/Import

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Integrated with Data Room

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Easy Tracking

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What Tasks does the 

Integration Plan Day 1 Readiness Checklist



  • Make certain that legal close press releases are prepared.
  • Communicate Safety Incident Reporting.
  • Create a communication strategy, tools, and process for key suppliers in preparation for the merging entity.
  • Assign responsibility for policy and procedure communication to all merging workers.
  • All approved training plans and facilities/instructors/tools should be communicated.
  • Ensure third-party communications are ready: vendors, customers, shareholders, regulators, and so on.
  • Create a template for collecting overlapping customer information.
  • Confirms with HR that the Day 1 Events/Orientation Sessions, Manager Toolkits, and Buddy Protocols are all ready to go.


  • Prepare a consolidated financial reporting (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cashflows etc.)
  • Examine the standard cash management procedures and identify any modifications that may be necessary.
  • Carved out the financials in order to choose an approach or provision that achieves the carved out objectives and directives.
  • Identify all assets and liabilities of the company being sold/acquired, as well as all relevant costs of doing business attributable to the company.
  • Evaluate all financial materiality in the context of the carved out business.
  • Separate the operations' financials from the seller's overall financials.
  • Determine the common Invoicing for the diminishing and remaining entities.
  • Set Up the General Ledgers, Profit Centers, Cost Centers, Charts of Accounts accordingly.
  • Update budget and forecast files prior to transaction closing date.
  • Check that all P-Cards and Company Credit Cards are ready.
  • Prepare a preliminary budget for planning activities.
  • Make sure the Expense Reimbursement Process is up to date.


  • Make sure your badges and security protocols are up to date.
  • Make a temporary sign and put it up.
  • Provided the sites and ensured that they were ready for use on the first day.
  • Ensure that each site's network and telephony access is tested.
  • Insurance/Utilities/Services: The insurance carrier will change on Day 1 of the transition. New cards must be distributed to all Acquired Co. drivers.
  • Agree on a new safety slogan and place safety banners at the appropriate locations.
  • Obtain organizational charts from both the acquirer and the acquired company, as well as interviews and census data.
  • Make an email distribution list.
  • Decide on social media messaging and put it into action.
  • Distribute the communication package to key leaders.
  • Establish the goals and objectives of the workstream. To finalize the Workstream Plan, hold a workshop.

Human Resource

  • Offer letters must be prepared and sent.
  • Provide employees with the Code of Conduct Policy and a secure signature page.
  • Inform employees about the process for next-level assessment and selection.
  • Make certain that the Leadership is announced and communicated.
  • Create an employee communication plan to inform all employees about the acquisition.
  • Ensure that the HR Master Data Records are properly set up.
  • Check to see if the Payroll and Benefits Tools and Personnel are prepared.
  • Check to see if the Buddy System in the workplace is ready to go.
  • Ensure that employee training for Day 1 is complete.
  • Ensure that Orientation Events are well-organized, all-hands, and departmental.
  • Check that all of business cards, stationery, and other materials are ready.

IT and Network

  • Examine all other work streams' worksheet inputs for IT impacts.
  • Inform IT staff and IT customers on the process, procedure, and other details.
  • Inform all employees will be about how they will receive IT support on Day 1.
  • Make sure the connectivity and access between the networks of two meging entity are tested.
  • Set up and activate security between two entities to ensure the A entity employees have access to the B Entity's Intranet.
  • Set up mail addresses for all employees.
  • Make sure all devices are ready, including mobility and historical data transfer/archiving.
  • Ensure that all critical development and deployment activities have been completed.
  • Ascertain that critical data migrations are completed.
  • Determine whether the End-To-End Scenario Testing was successfully completed.
  • If necessary, conduct IT workshops or training on the first day.
  • Ensure that the necessary IT contracts and licenses are in place.

Legal and Compliance

  • Create and establised a legal entity.
  • Manage the separation contract for any possible divestiture.
  • Identify all new vendors and ensure that data is added and tested.
  • Determine Day 1 deliverables, such as the Code and policies: antitrust, employee, and others.
  • Ensure that all vendor contracts are signed and kept safe.
  • Provide all legal work process guidelines and periodic reminders.
  • List all new customers and ensure that they have been added and tested.
  • Prepare a brief description of the process for providing legal services by Acquirer and Acquired Co.
  • Examine current websites for legal issues, first internally by Acquirer and Acquired Co., and make any necessary changes.
  • Check that all customer contracts are in place.


  • Obtain current and pending supply and service contracts, price letters, and other documents from all suppliers (if available).
  • Employees from strategic business unit procurement, purchasing, supply chain, and global sourcing should be gathered into organizational frameworks.
  • Determine their duties and responsibilities, as well as the percentages of their budgets dedicated to procurement, purchasing, supply chain, and global sourcing.
  • Collect data for the last 5 years and future strategic businees unit procurement and procedures.
  • Obtain and specify all the spending information on major raw material categories.
  • Review, validate and refreshed spend data as required
  • Collect data for the previous five years as well as future procurement sourcing technologies.

Sales and Operations

  • Update all Customer, Distributor, Partner Responsibilities, Channels Defined, and Customer relationship management.
  • Ensure that all market offers have been defined and priced, and that all supporting materials are available.
  • Examine whether the joint sales models have been defined, including compensation and messaging, and whether the branding is clear.
  • Identify top 100 suppliers, in order to determine areas of focus and common suppliers.
  • Make a list of key customers and assign a contact person to each.
  • Contact and identify the key customer with the help of a designated employee.
  • Create a key vendor and contact them through the person who has been allocated.
  • Ensure that the key vendor messaging is properly understood.
  • Make sure the Sales Cross Training is Completed.
  • Confirmed that all sales travel and expense policies are in sync, as well as travel readiness (Credit Cards, Travel Agency Accounts, Etc.)
  • Defined all Approaches to Upcoming Conventions, Shows, and Trade Fairs.
  • Plan all weekly sales and transition calls.


What Is Due Diligence?

Due diligence is a critical aspect of any deal that begins very early in the process and can continue right up until closing. During due diligence, the potential buyer asks questions and requests documentation from the seller that helps the buyer understand the target company and its business. These requests are usually general to start and become more specific as the buyer develops a greater understanding of the target. Buyers use the information provided by the seller to evaluate the opportunities and risks associated with the potential transaction. It is important for sellers to stay organized throughout the process. Buyers often submit thorough, detailed request lists that require input from numerous members of the seller’s deal team.

What is a due diligence checklist?

As the name implies, a due diligence request list is a list of questions and requests for information and documentation that a buyer submits to a seller in order to learn about the target company, its business and its operations. The initial diligence request list tends to be broad and typically includes an extensive list of questions covering a wide range of subjects. This allows the buyer to gain a broad understanding of the target company and identify key issues that can be investigated and considered more closely. Because every deal is different, due diligence request lists have to be tailored to meet the needs of the buyer and address the unique circumstances of your transaction.
However, there is a variety of fundamental requests that are relevant in most deals. These are the types of requests that our templates are designed to address.

What Questions Does the Master Due Diligence Questionnaire Include?

As the name implies, a due diligence request list is a list of questions and requests for information and documentation that a buyer submits to a seller in order to learn about the target company, its business and its operations. The initial diligence request list tends to be broad and typically includes an extensive list of questions covering a wide range of subjects. This allows the buyer to gain a broad understanding of the target company and identify key issues that can be investigated and considered more closely. Because every deal is different, due diligence request lists have to be tailored to meet the needs of the buyer and address the unique circumstances of your transaction.
However, there is a variety of fundamental requests that are relevant in most deals. These are the types of requests that our templates are designed to address.

Key considerations when using our m&a due diligence template

Our templates are drafted to provide an inclusive and wide-ranging list of initial due diligence requests. However, the templates, as well as the information contained therein, are not legal advice. They are not complete, and they are not specific to your transaction. The templates are designed to elicit general information from the seller that will provide the buyer with a broad overview of the target and it’s business and operations. You should review any template before using it, and it may need to be modified to ensure that it is suitable and relevant to your circumstances. Information provided by the seller will likely trigger additional questions that focus on specific aspects of the target’s business and issues identified during the due diligence process.

Are the requests in the template comprehensive?

No. Our Due Diligence Checklist is drafted to include typical requests that are relevant in most transactions. However, every deal and every target company is unique. Before utilizing any template, it is important that you review it with the help of your legal and other professional advisors to ensure that the requests are complete and tailored to the specific circumstances of your deal.

How to use the template with Dealroom

  • Start 14-day Free Trial of DealRoom and sign-up
  • Select a Master Due Diligence Template while creating a new room
  • Start assigning, adding to, and completing due diligence requests with needed documents by uploading them into the built-in virtual data room. The Requests tab is automatically populated with the requests from the due diligence template.

Can I change requests in this checklist or add new?

Every M&A process is different. Downloaders are urged to make these checklists their own by changing the providing information to better fit their needs.

Does this questionnaire provide all the necessary integration information?

This checklist was created by and for M&A professionals. It includes a comprehensive starting point for the integration process. However, every deal is different and may require additional requirements and tasks.

How to use this template with DealRoom?

  • Start 14-day Free Trial of DealRoom and sign-up
  • Select an Integration Template while creating a new workspace
  • Start planning, assigning, adding to, and completing integration tasks. The Requests tab is automatically populated with the tasks from the integration template.

Key considerations when using our m&a due diligence template

Our templates are drafted to provide an inclusive and wide-ranging list of initial due diligence requests. However, the templates, as well as the information contained therein, are not legal advice. They are not complete, and they are not specific to your transaction. The templates are designed to elicit general information from the seller that will provide the buyer with a broad overview of the target and it’s business and operations. You should review any template before using it, and it may need to be modified to ensure that it is suitable and relevant to your circumstances. Information provided by the seller will likely trigger additional questions that focus on specific aspects of the target’s business and issues identified during the due diligence process.

Are the requests in the template comprehensive?

No. Our Due Diligence Checklist is drafted to include typical requests that are relevant in most transactions. However, every deal and every target company is unique. Before utilizing any template, it is important that you review it with the help of your legal and other professional advisors to ensure that the requests are complete and tailored to the specific circumstances of your deal.

How to use the template with Dealroom

  • Start 14-day Free Trial of DealRoom and sign-up
  • Select a Master Due Diligence Template while creating a new room
  • Start assigning, adding to, and completing due diligence requests with needed documents by uploading them into the built-in virtual data room. The Requests tab is automatically populated with the requests from the due diligence template.

Integration Plan Day 1 Readiness Checklist

This buildable checklist ensures that nothing is missed during the integration process. It includes all the typical guidelines and requirements needed for successful integration with space to customize and add tasks specific to your unique deal. Book a playbook demo to explore — schedule a call with us and we will reach out to help you get started.

Integration Plan Day 1 Readiness Checklist

This buildable checklist ensures that nothing is missed during the integration process. It includes all the typical guidelines and requirements needed for successful integration with space to customize and add tasks specific to your unique deal. Book a playbook demo to explore — schedule a call with us and we will reach out to help you get started.

Automate your process today with this M&A checklist.

Utilizing a checklist is just step one. In order to have a seamless process, M&A checklists need to be utilized with the proper deal workflow tool.

Request a demo to learn how you can turn a checklist into an automated process and workflow with the DealRoom platform. With DealRoom, you can tackle any type of due diligence.

Project Tristan
All Requests
  • Make certain that legal close press releases are prepared.
  • Communicate Safety Incident Reporting.
  • Create a communication strategy, tools, and process for key suppliers in preparation for the merging entity.
  • Assign responsibility for policy and procedure communication to all merging workers.
  • All approved training plans and facilities/instructors/tools should be communicated.
  • Ensure third-party communications are ready: vendors, customers, shareholders, regulators, and so on.
  • Create a template for collecting overlapping customer information.
  • Confirms with HR that the Day 1 Events/Orientation Sessions, Manager Toolkits, and Buddy Protocols are all ready to go.
  • Prepare a consolidated financial reporting (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cashflows etc.)
  • Examine the standard cash management procedures and identify any modifications that may be necessary.
  • Carved out the financials in order to choose an approach or provision that achieves the carved out objectives and directives.
  • Identify all assets and liabilities of the company being sold/acquired, as well as all relevant costs of doing business attributable to the company.
  • Evaluate all financial materiality in the context of the carved out business.
  • Separate the operations' financials from the seller's overall financials.
  • Determine the common Invoicing for the diminishing and remaining entities.
  • Set Up the General Ledgers, Profit Centers, Cost Centers, Charts of Accounts accordingly.
  • Update budget and forecast files prior to transaction closing date.
  • Check that all P-Cards and Company Credit Cards are ready.
  • Prepare a preliminary budget for planning activities.
  • Make sure the Expense Reimbursement Process is up to date.
  • Make sure your badges and security protocols are up to date.
  • Make a temporary sign and put it up.
  • Provided the sites and ensured that they were ready for use on the first day.
  • Ensure that each site's network and telephony access is tested.
  • Insurance/Utilities/Services: The insurance carrier will change on Day 1 of the transition. New cards must be distributed to all Acquired Co. drivers.
  • Agree on a new safety slogan and place safety banners at the appropriate locations.
  • Obtain organizational charts from both the acquirer and the acquired company, as well as interviews and census data.
  • Make an email distribution list.
  • Decide on social media messaging and put it into action.
  • Distribute the communication package to key leaders.
  • Establish the goals and objectives of the workstream. To finalize the Workstream Plan, hold a workshop.
  • Offer letters must be prepared and sent.
  • Provide employees with the Code of Conduct Policy and a secure signature page.
  • Inform employees about the process for next-level assessment and selection.
  • Make certain that the Leadership is announced and communicated.
  • Create an employee communication plan to inform all employees about the acquisition.
  • Ensure that the HR Master Data Records are properly set up.
  • Check to see if the Payroll and Benefits Tools and Personnel are prepared.
  • Check to see if the Buddy System in the workplace is ready to go.
  • Ensure that employee training for Day 1 is complete.
  • Ensure that Orientation Events are well-organized, all-hands, and departmental.
  • Check that all of business cards, stationery, and other materials are ready.
  • Examine all other work streams' worksheet inputs for IT impacts.
  • Inform IT staff and IT customers on the process, procedure, and other details.
  • Inform all employees will be about how they will receive IT support on Day 1.
  • Make sure the connectivity and access between the networks of two meging entity are tested.
  • Set up and activate security between two entities to ensure the A entity employees have access to the B Entity's Intranet.
  • Set up mail addresses for all employees.
  • Make sure all devices are ready, including mobility and historical data transfer/archiving.
  • Ensure that all critical development and deployment activities have been completed.
  • Ascertain that critical data migrations are completed.
  • Determine whether the End-To-End Scenario Testing was successfully completed.
  • If necessary, conduct IT workshops or training on the first day.
  • Ensure that the necessary IT contracts and licenses are in place.
  • Create and establised a legal entity.
  • Manage the separation contract for any possible divestiture.
  • Identify all new vendors and ensure that data is added and tested.
  • Determine Day 1 deliverables, such as the Code and policies: antitrust, employee, and others.
  • Ensure that all vendor contracts are signed and kept safe.
  • Provide all legal work process guidelines and periodic reminders.
  • List all new customers and ensure that they have been added and tested.
  • Prepare a brief description of the process for providing legal services by Acquirer and Acquired Co.
  • Examine current websites for legal issues, first internally by Acquirer and Acquired Co., and make any necessary changes.
  • Check that all customer contracts are in place.
  • Obtain current and pending supply and service contracts, price letters, and other documents from all suppliers (if available).
  • Employees from strategic business unit procurement, purchasing, supply chain, and global sourcing should be gathered into organizational frameworks.
  • Determine their duties and responsibilities, as well as the percentages of their budgets dedicated to procurement, purchasing, supply chain, and global sourcing.
  • Collect data for the last 5 years and future strategic businees unit procurement and procedures.
  • Obtain and specify all the spending information on major raw material categories.
  • Review, validate and refreshed spend data as required
  • Collect data for the previous five years as well as future procurement sourcing technologies.
  • Update all Customer, Distributor, Partner Responsibilities, Channels Defined, and Customer relationship management.
  • Ensure that all market offers have been defined and priced, and that all supporting materials are available.
  • Examine whether the joint sales models have been defined, including compensation and messaging, and whether the branding is clear.
  • Identify top 100 suppliers, in order to determine areas of focus and common suppliers.
  • Make a list of key customers and assign a contact person to each.
  • Contact and identify the key customer with the help of a designated employee.
  • Create a key vendor and contact them through the person who has been allocated.
  • Ensure that the key vendor messaging is properly understood.
  • Make sure the Sales Cross Training is Completed.
  • Confirmed that all sales travel and expense policies are in sync, as well as travel readiness (Credit Cards, Travel Agency Accounts, Etc.)
  • Defined all Approaches to Upcoming Conventions, Shows, and Trade Fairs.
  • Plan all weekly sales and transition calls.

Prepare for your integration

DealRoom’s integration Day 1 readiness template is designed to help teams have an efficient integration process from the beginning. By providing your team with a pre-made professional task list, you can start the process right away.

The template can act as a guide for common integration tasks. And when you use a task tracker inside DealRoom, everything will be in one centralized space.


  • Make certain that legal close press releases are prepared.
  • Communicate Safety Incident Reporting.
  • Create a communication strategy, tools, and process for key suppliers in preparation for the merging entity.
  • Assign responsibility for policy and procedure communication to all merging workers.
  • All approved training plans and facilities/instructors/tools should be communicated.
  • Ensure third-party communications are ready: vendors, customers, shareholders, regulators, and so on.
  • Create a template for collecting overlapping customer information.
  • Confirms with HR that the Day 1 Events/Orientation Sessions, Manager Toolkits, and Buddy Protocols are all ready to go.


  • Prepare a consolidated financial reporting (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cashflows etc.)
  • Examine the standard cash management procedures and identify any modifications that may be necessary.
  • Carved out the financials in order to choose an approach or provision that achieves the carved out objectives and directives.
  • Identify all assets and liabilities of the company being sold/acquired, as well as all relevant costs of doing business attributable to the company.
  • Evaluate all financial materiality in the context of the carved out business.
  • Separate the operations' financials from the seller's overall financials.
  • Determine the common Invoicing for the diminishing and remaining entities.
  • Set Up the General Ledgers, Profit Centers, Cost Centers, Charts of Accounts accordingly.
  • Update budget and forecast files prior to transaction closing date.
  • Check that all P-Cards and Company Credit Cards are ready.
  • Prepare a preliminary budget for planning activities.
  • Make sure the Expense Reimbursement Process is up to date.


  • Make sure your badges and security protocols are up to date.
  • Make a temporary sign and put it up.
  • Provided the sites and ensured that they were ready for use on the first day.
  • Ensure that each site's network and telephony access is tested.
  • Insurance/Utilities/Services: The insurance carrier will change on Day 1 of the transition. New cards must be distributed to all Acquired Co. drivers.
  • Agree on a new safety slogan and place safety banners at the appropriate locations.
  • Obtain organizational charts from both the acquirer and the acquired company, as well as interviews and census data.
  • Make an email distribution list.
  • Decide on social media messaging and put it into action.
  • Distribute the communication package to key leaders.
  • Establish the goals and objectives of the workstream. To finalize the Workstream Plan, hold a workshop.

Human Resource

  • Offer letters must be prepared and sent.
  • Provide employees with the Code of Conduct Policy and a secure signature page.
  • Inform employees about the process for next-level assessment and selection.
  • Make certain that the Leadership is announced and communicated.
  • Create an employee communication plan to inform all employees about the acquisition.
  • Ensure that the HR Master Data Records are properly set up.
  • Check to see if the Payroll and Benefits Tools and Personnel are prepared.
  • Check to see if the Buddy System in the workplace is ready to go.
  • Ensure that employee training for Day 1 is complete.
  • Ensure that Orientation Events are well-organized, all-hands, and departmental.
  • Check that all of business cards, stationery, and other materials are ready.

IT and Network

  • Examine all other work streams' worksheet inputs for IT impacts.
  • Inform IT staff and IT customers on the process, procedure, and other details.
  • Inform all employees will be about how they will receive IT support on Day 1.
  • Make sure the connectivity and access between the networks of two meging entity are tested.
  • Set up and activate security between two entities to ensure the A entity employees have access to the B Entity's Intranet.
  • Set up mail addresses for all employees.
  • Make sure all devices are ready, including mobility and historical data transfer/archiving.
  • Ensure that all critical development and deployment activities have been completed.
  • Ascertain that critical data migrations are completed.
  • Determine whether the End-To-End Scenario Testing was successfully completed.
  • If necessary, conduct IT workshops or training on the first day.
  • Ensure that the necessary IT contracts and licenses are in place.

Legal and Compliance

  • Create and establised a legal entity.
  • Manage the separation contract for any possible divestiture.
  • Identify all new vendors and ensure that data is added and tested.
  • Determine Day 1 deliverables, such as the Code and policies: antitrust, employee, and others.
  • Ensure that all vendor contracts are signed and kept safe.
  • Provide all legal work process guidelines and periodic reminders.
  • List all new customers and ensure that they have been added and tested.
  • Prepare a brief description of the process for providing legal services by Acquirer and Acquired Co.
  • Examine current websites for legal issues, first internally by Acquirer and Acquired Co., and make any necessary changes.
  • Check that all customer contracts are in place.


  • Obtain current and pending supply and service contracts, price letters, and other documents from all suppliers (if available).
  • Employees from strategic business unit procurement, purchasing, supply chain, and global sourcing should be gathered into organizational frameworks.
  • Determine their duties and responsibilities, as well as the percentages of their budgets dedicated to procurement, purchasing, supply chain, and global sourcing.
  • Collect data for the last 5 years and future strategic businees unit procurement and procedures.
  • Obtain and specify all the spending information on major raw material categories.
  • Review, validate and refreshed spend data as required
  • Collect data for the previous five years as well as future procurement sourcing technologies.

Sales and Operations

  • Update all Customer, Distributor, Partner Responsibilities, Channels Defined, and Customer relationship management.
  • Ensure that all market offers have been defined and priced, and that all supporting materials are available.
  • Examine whether the joint sales models have been defined, including compensation and messaging, and whether the branding is clear.
  • Identify top 100 suppliers, in order to determine areas of focus and common suppliers.
  • Make a list of key customers and assign a contact person to each.
  • Contact and identify the key customer with the help of a designated employee.
  • Create a key vendor and contact them through the person who has been allocated.
  • Ensure that the key vendor messaging is properly understood.
  • Make sure the Sales Cross Training is Completed.
  • Confirmed that all sales travel and expense policies are in sync, as well as travel readiness (Credit Cards, Travel Agency Accounts, Etc.)
  • Defined all Approaches to Upcoming Conventions, Shows, and Trade Fairs.
  • Plan all weekly sales and transition calls.

How DealRoom can help you execute due diligence

By using our master due diligence template, alongside DealRoom’s M&A lifecycle management software, you can create a smooth diligence process.

How DealRoom can help you execute integration

By using our integration template, alongside DealRoom's M&A lifecycle management software, you can create a smooth integration process

With this solution you’ll receive:

Professional template

with requests that are specific to your transaction type. Our platform allows you to add new requests as they pop up, track progress, collaborate and more.

A built-in data room

allowing you to link corresponding documents to the diligence requests and keep all the information safe.

Project management capabilities

that enable your team, client and other parties to work together and set priorities during the diligence.

Collaboration tools

to eliminate long email threads. Team members can add comments and tag other each other on requests.

More Templates

HR Due Diligence Playbook

Information Technology M&A Integration Checklist

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Highly effective M&A teams choose DealRoom to manage their transactions end-to-end

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Have your template do the work for you
Streamline your process with this M&A template and turn it into an automated process and workflow with the DealRoom platform today.