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How to Boost Roll-Up Deal Velocity: A Guide for M&A Teams Managing Concurrent Deals

Supritha Shankar Rao
Senior Product Marketing Specialist

Managing a roll-up business is no small feat, especially when your strategy involves acquiring multiple companies simultaneously. 

Picture this: you're part of an acquisition team at a healthcare roll-up, tasked with buying three regional practices at once. The growth potential is enormous, but so is the complexity of managing deals at different stages. With each practice comes a mountain of documents, endless spreadsheets, and a barrage of emails to keep every stakeholder aligned.

You find yourself constantly toggling between Excel trackers, shared drives full of sensitive documents, and email chains that seem to go on forever. Each deal comes with its own intricacies, deadlines, and unique challenges. Yet, without a centralized process, vital information slips through the cracks, decisions get delayed, and suddenly, a promising opportunity becomes a chaotic nightmare.

This disruption often results in missed growth goals, leaving you unable to meet the targets typically set by your PE sponsor, ultimately jeopardizing your strategic objectives and long-term success.

But what if there was a way to make the process smoother, more transparent, and, most importantly, faster? Enter DealRoom, the only M&A platform purpose-built for buyer-led M&A, designed to take the chaos out of roll-up acquisitions. 

In this blog, we'll explore how DealRoom can help you increase your deal velocity, enabling you to manage concurrent deals without missing a beat.

The Pain of Managing Concurrent Deals 

For roll-up businesses, the real challenge isn’t just closing deals - it’s managing the complexity that comes with handling several acquisitions simultaneously.

While managing one deal with spreadsheets, shared drives, and email chains may feel feasible, adding more deals quickly turns into chaos. It’s like conducting an orchestra where every section is playing a different piece of music. Some deals are just getting started, others are nearing the finish line, and more are waiting to move forward. Without the right tools, Keeping track of it all feels like trying to spin a dozen plates in the air at once.

Take our earlier example of the healthcare roll-up. The team uses shared drives for document storage, which leads to version control issues - critical updates are made, but not everyone is on the same page. Key stakeholders often miss important information as they try to coordinate through endless email threads. The result? Deals slow down, opportunities are missed, and frustration mounts.

The lack of a centralized system can have serious consequences. Imagine losing a competitive edge because crucial documents weren’t reviewed on time or missing out on a prime acquisition target because updates were buried in a sea of emails. Without a streamlined process, keeping everyone informed is hard, and the entire deal-making process becomes slower and more error-prone.

DealRoom: The Solution to Accelerate Your Deal Velocity

1. One Pipeline Dashboard, All Your Deals

Imagine logging into DealRoom and seeing all your active deals laid out neatly in one place. You can filter by deal stage, see which deals need your attention, and save custom views that help you focus on what matters most. No more scrambling to find which deal is where—everything is clear and organized. This enables you to concentrate on deals you are directly involved in while keeping an eye on others, ensuring no detail slips through the cracks.

2. Centralized Information Hub

DealRoom acts like a digital command center, storing every piece of information related to a deal, from emails and notes to documents - all in one place. In our healthcare roll-up example, the team no longer has to dig through shared drives or hunt down missing files. They know exactly where to find the latest version of every document, reducing time spent searching and increasing time spent closing.

Allison D'Agostino, Director of M&A at Cadence Education, sums it up well:

There are a lot of different tools such as Outlook, Teams, Sharepoint, but DealRoom is a place where we can go back to and have everything we need in one specific location. This centralization is where DealRoom shines—transforming the way roll-up businesses approach M&A.” Learn More here

3. Automated Task Management

Think about the hours saved when tasks are automatically assigned based on the deal’s needs. With DealRoom, you don’t have to start new email threads every time a new task comes up. Instead, the right people receive notifications automatically, keeping the process smooth even when managing multiple deals.

4. Integrated Due Diligence and VDR

One of the biggest hurdles in M&A is the due diligence process. With DealRoom Diligence and in-built Virtual Data Room (VDR), you can conduct due diligence and manage post-deal integration all in one place. This means the integration team can start planning before the deal even closes, reducing the time between diligence and integration. The platform's AI features can speed up document reviews by up to 80%, ensuring your team stays ahead of deadlines.

5. Real-Time Collaboration

No more back-and-forth emails referencing Excel line items and providing context. In DealRoom, you can have real-time conversations directly within the platform. Tag stakeholders in specific diligence requests, discuss risks, and resolve them without ever leaving the platform. It’s like having a virtual meeting room that’s always open, saving you time and preventing miscommunication.
As Ivan Golubic, CFO of FastLap, puts it-

6. Automated BI Reporting

With DealRoom’s BI Reporting, you get a bird’s-eye view of all your active deals. Imagine being able to pull up a dashboard that shows which deals are progressing smoothly and which ones are facing bottlenecks. The automated scheduling feature means you can share these insights with your team regularly, ensuring everyone stays updated without manual effort.

7. Intuitive Platform

Finally, a smooth seller experience is key to accelerating deal timelines. With DealRoom’s intuitive platform, sellers can easily engage without being slowed down by multiple disparate tools. The platform’s straightforward design ensures there’s no learning curve, with in-app walkthroughs guiding sellers through every step. This ease of use allows sellers to stay focused on their business, reducing delays. Plus, a dedicated Customer Success Manager is provided for personalized training and support, ensuring sellers are on-boarded quickly and can keep pace with the deal, helping you close deals faster.

Final Thoughts

The challenge for roll-up businesses is keeping multiple deals moving forward without losing momentum. DealRoom’s unified platform transforms this struggle into a streamlined process, ensuring every deal progresses smoothly. By reducing the chaos of concurrent deal management, DealRoom helps you accelerate timelines, close deals faster, and focus on strategic growth. It’s how roll-up businesses turn complexity into speed—and gain the competitive edge needed to scale.

Contact M&A Science to learn more

Get your M&A process in order. Use DealRoom as a single source of truth and align your team.