Securely store, share, and manage documents

Bring files and security security-sensitive together in one place, so you can organize and tackle your work efficiently.
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BI Reporting

Get real-time insight into the state of your team’s work and everything you need to take action—without leaving DealRoom.

Streamline diligence management and communication

Eliminate Excel trackers, emails, disconnected tools and frequent meetings from the diligence process.


DealRoom can integrate with modern and useful M&A tools to further create a central hub for collaboration and management across your deals. Get rid of information silos and simplify your M&A process.

Push room notifications to designated slack channels.

Import and export contacts and team members right from your organization.

Push notifications to the channel linking back to DealRoom.

Cover your single-sign-on needs across all apps including DealRoom.

Manage access across your applications and DealRoom.

Access Google apps and DealRoom directly without a second sign-in.

Pre-built templates

Speed up your process with DealRoom’s library of pre-made templates that ranges from due diligence, form of LOI, flows of funds, to integration and more.