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Why Modern M&A Has Outgrown Excel: Manual Task Management

Janelle Cox
Content Strategist

In an industry where time kills all good deals, why are M&A teams relying on manual, time-consuming task management in Excel for their pipeline, due diligence, and integration functions? Have spreadsheet tools become so ingrained in their processes that most don't realize alternatives exist?

The current complexity and scale of M&A operations have surpassed the capabilities of traditional task management platforms. Although Excel is an effective tool in other applications, it falls short in executing today's deal activities, as they require numerous stakeholders with complicated workflows and demand constant, real-time updating, and accurate reporting. This has become increasingly clear as corporate development teams, bankers, analysts, and other functional leads struggle with Excel in addressing the multifaceted interests of modern M&A deals.

Excel's limitations shouldn't hold you back. Keep reading to discover how platforms like DealRoom can transform your M&A process.

The Limitations of Excel Spreadsheets

Despite its widespread use and versatility, Excel presents significant challenges in assigning, managing, and completing tasks, identifying risks, and reporting progress throughout the deal lifecycle. These limitations disrupt team collaboration, lead to increased errors, inadequately track projects, and cause operational delays, severely impacting the effectiveness and success of M&A transactions.

1. Poor Team Collaboration

Excel’s design makes sharing and updating files among team members cumbersome. When multiple stakeholders collaborate on a spreadsheet, ensuring everyone has and works within the latest version quickly becomes a logistical nightmare. Not to mention, the lack of proper permission controls introduces security risks, as files can be easily duplicated and distributed without authorization.This fragmented approach hinders team communication and coordination, leading to misaligned efforts and overlooked details. Consequently, the team’s ability to work seamlessly and efficiently is substantially compromised.

2. Increased Risk of Errors

Manual data entry is inherently prone to errors. Even minor mistakes, if not promptly identified and corrected, can have severe repercussions, eroding the trust among stakeholders. For instance, a missed signature in a contract or an overlooked decimal point in financial projections can cause significant delays, legal complications, financial discrepancies, and operational costs. As they require more time and attention to fix, these errors can escalate into major issues, jeopardizing the entire deal by triggering renegotiations or even cancellations.

3. Unsatisfactory Tracking and Reporting

Excel’s fixed format restricts its capability to provide real-time insights into task status, leaving teams struggling to track upcoming, in progress, or completed assignments and activities. Additionally, as needs rapidly evolve, neglecting to prioritize tasks can expose an M&A deal to potential pitfalls that could affect its success. This lack of visibility makes reporting unnecessarily difficult, as decision-makers cannot access accurate, up-to-date information to identify risks and make timely adjustments.

4. Delayed Operations

Consolidating, revising, and reconciling tasks scattered across numerous Excel sheets is a laborious chore. M&A teams will work until the middle of the night, inputting data, checking for consistency, and rectifying errors by hand. This kind of work can cause cascading delays that extend timelines and create monetary burdens that can affect budget projections and financial forecasts.In a fast-paced deal environment, this not only slows down overall progress but also the completion of critical tasks, resulting in missed opportunities and bloated operational costs.

The Advantages of DealRoom’s M&A Optimization Platform

For far too long, we’ve managed the deal lifecycle through Excel and similar tools whose objectives and incentives are misaligned with the company’s strategic interests. The entire process must be rebuilt, empowering M&A teams to have greater control over the company’s opportunities for strategic growth.

The DealRoom M&A Optimization Platform addresses this, offering a superior alternative for executing complex transactions. The platform centralizes workflows and organizes all documents, communication, and tasks, streamlining all aspects of M&A operations. This eliminates the need for multiple spreadsheets and disparate tools, as all deal-related information is consolidated and accessible within its singular system.

Dealroom is designed to facilitate cross-team alignment, enhance task management, and streamline processes across key targets, expediting synergy realization. By replacing Excel, organizations can reduce personnel hours by 50% per deal and implement integration plans 3x faster, producing more optimal outcomes that drive business growth.

Leave Excel Behind With These Purpose-Built M&A Capabilities

Integrated Tasks and Priority Settings

DealRoom saves countless hours by enabling admins to assign tasks directly to team members or external stakeholders so nothing is overlooked. This ensures every assignment is delegated to the right individual, eliminating confusion about who is responsible for urgent action items. Additionally, managers can flag high-priority tasks to help team members focus on what matters most, increasing time and cost savings.

Advanced Security Controls

With granular, role-based permission settings, admins have greater control over sensitive documents. They can allocate different authorization levels to team members, external parties, and other stakeholders, reducing the risk of data exposure. This capability further supports task execution by maintaining strict document access control based on specific roles and responsibilities to protect confidential information.

AI-Powered Document Analysis

AI-Powered Document Analysis extracts critical data points with improved accuracy, automating document review and due diligence processes. Now in beta, this capability revolutionizes how teams conduct document-intensive operations, allowing users to upload and analyze unlimited documents with M&A-specific prompts. By leveraging AI, teams can manage vast amounts of deal information to simplify risk identification and decision-making during transactions.

Template Customization

With the added capability to build and customize templates, M&A teams can automate repetitive tasks, boosting workflow consistency. In addition, DealRoom's extensive template library offers pre-made resources and guides that can be tailored to meet specific business needs. It provides valuable insights, strategies, and best practices, optimizing task management and enabling teams to standardize their M&A processes. This combination delivers structured frameworks that clearly and precisely guide teams through complex M&A activities.

BI Reporting

DealRoom BI Reporting capabilities deliver powerful insights and real-time visibility into your M&A deal operations. This strengthens transparency and accountability within teams, helping managers analyze data trends, monitor document engagement metrics, and receive live updates on identified risks more effortlessly. With an organized dashboard for in-depth data analysis, stakeholders can leverage BI Reporting to encourage bold decision-making, implement risk mitigation strategies, and achieve successful deal outcomes.

Insights from M&A Teams Who Ditched Excel

"Before DealRoom, opportunities were left on the table because we didn't track and follow up appropriately, nor did we have the time and space to build reports to give to executives." –Matt Arsenault, VP of Corporate Development at Jamf

Excel caused many challenges for the Jamf team, most notably how their team accessed basic deal information, as they had to navigate through multiple tools or directly ask individuals. This inefficiency doubled the time required to complete deals due to limited visibility and manual processes that could have been automated, resulting in missed deal opportunities. Recognizing this, Jamf sought an end-to-end solution to streamline their M&A strategies.

DealRoom proved to be the answer. The platform allowed them to standardize their processes in a single, centralized location–from pipeline management to integration. Jamf could now monitor activities, automate report generation, and accelerate operations, upholding team accountability and eliminating the need to pass on more promising prospects.

"The software speaks for itself. It’s been seamless from both a product and service standpoint." –Zack Mueller, Corporate Development at Paylocity

Using Excel, Paylocity found its processes to be tedious. Constantly updating and managing information across spreadsheets and other sources made tracking requests challenging. They sought a more seamless platform that could be managed asynchronously, distinguish them in the market, and enhance their deal activities in new areas.

By switching to DealRoom, Paylocity automated and accelerated operations. The platform's integration capabilities, including optimized commenting features and a request list that automatically synced with their data room, were particularly impressive. Having previously spent much time managing Excel trackers, they quickly appreciated DealRoom's innovation. It added value by helping them complete more deals, reduce email traffic, and hold fewer meetings, saving time and money.

Final Thoughts

Excel is no longer sufficient to address the intricacy of M&A transactions. The static nature of spreadsheets not only diverts significant time, effort, and attention from your core business operations but also impedes a team's ability to track deal progress, identify risks, and make prompt, informed decisions.

By enhancing deal efficiency and speed, teams can optimize their task management to reach synergies faster and accelerate deal closures, allowing them to direct their attention to the next strategic initiative or transaction. To do this, managers must adopt a platform, such as DealRoom, to simplify processes, improve collaboration, and achieve better outcomes, ultimately maximizing the way they do M&A.

Ready to transform your M&A processes? Schedule a demo today and experience the benefits of the DealRoom M&A Optimization Platform.

Contact M&A Science to learn more

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