Buying Carve-outs for Future Exits

Jul 17, 2023 12:00 PM (CST)


Joe Covey
Matthew Davidge
CEO. Television and Telehealth entrepreneur.

"The best time to exit is when someone comes and approaches you and says they want to buy your business.” - Joe Covey.

With the right approach and execution, buying carve-outs can be a successful strategy for achieving long-term growth and profitability, and companies can potentially set themselves up for a profitable exit in the future.

In this webinar, Joe Covey, serial CEO, acquirer, and investor, and Matthew Davidge, co-owner of the NBC Affiliate WVNC, discuss buying carve-outs for future exits.

Things you will learn in this episode:

  • Challenges of buy-side carve-out deals
  • Key things to consider when acquiring a carve-out
  • The right time to exit
  • Advice on acquiring and exiting businesses
  • Working with investment bankers

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