M&A Science Spring Summit 2023

Mar 8, 2023 09:00 AM (CST)


Michael Frankel
Founder and Managing Partner of Trajectory Capital

During the summit, hear from experts in internal diligence, careers in corporate development, M&A landscapes, M&A law, and more.

Sourcing a deal that is quick to diligence and easy to integrate may feel like searching for a four-leaf clover. Ready to become your company’s M&A good luck charm? Join us for the M&A Science Spring Summit of March 08, 2023! Come and learn new M&A tips and techniques that will leave you feeling like you just found a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow!

Register for the event here.

Summit Agenda - All Sessions are in EST

10 AM Private Equity Trends

11 AM Tax M&A Bootcamp

1 PM Building a Career in Corporate Development

2 PM Internal Diligence

3 PM M&A Landscapes and Identifying Gaps in M&A Strategy

5 PM M&A Networking Session

Register Now!


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M&A Science Spring Summit 2023
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