M&A Science Fall Summit 2022


And just like that we are already approaching the end of the year. Before the leaves completely turn and fall, there’s still time to implement new M&A practices that will leave you saying, oh my gourd.
So, let’s embrace the crisp days of fall, take the time to turn over a new leaf, and hear what other M&A practitioners are doing every day to source the biggest and best “pumpkin” of a deal. And while we know that not every pumpkin is the same; some are big, some are small, some are meant to be carved into pieces, and some are meant to become part of an even bigger pumpkin, we also know that there’s a perfect “pumpkin” of a deal out there for everyone, you just have to know what to look for.
Register for the event here.
Summit Agenda - All Sessions are in EST
10 AM Successfully Selling Sub-Scale Subsidiaries
11 AM The Big Ticket Items Impacting Valuation Today
12 PM Creating an M&A Process for Corporate Development
2 PM (pre-recorded)
3 PM Integrating Capabilities
4 PM Bringing Agile into M&A
5 PM Virtual Happy Hour