Standing Up an M&A Function
About the book
Two main topics were brought to a roundtable discussion with nine corporate development professionals. In this ebook, discover the approaches top practitioners are taking to increase their top-of-funnel M&A pipeline and execute transactions faster and with a greater cadence.
Targeting the M&A department requires strategic planning and organizational alignment. Our panel of experts shares actionable frameworks for building a successful acquisition strategy that aligns with your company's growth objectives. Learn how to establish clear evaluation criteria and create a governance structure that streamlines decision-making and accelerates deal execution.
Understanding how to sell your business means seeing the transaction from both perspectives. This ebook breaks down the essential steps in the M&A process from both buy-side and sell-side viewpoints, giving you critical insights into what acquirers are looking for. Discover how leading companies are leveraging technology to identify quality targets earlier, conduct more efficient due diligence, and achieve better post-merger integration outcomes.