Thriving in Times of Change With Flexibility in Your Integration Planning

May 30, 2023 12:00 PM (CST)


Staci van Schagen
M&A Integration

“Teams should not be afraid to make mistakes. No one has all the answers. You just have to be able to work on the deal's assumptions.” - Staci van Schagen.

During integration, things don’t always go as planned. Teams must be able to pivot and adapt to the ever-changing needs of the project.

In this webinar, Staci van Schagen, Head of M&A Integration & Disentanglement at Philips, shares her ways on how to thrive in times of change with flexibility in integration planning.

Things you will learn in this episode:

  • Running a global integration program
  • Fostering continuous improvement in IMO
  • Delivering integration outcomes
  • Dealing with uncertainties during integration planning
  • Upskilling scenario planning

Watch the Webinar

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