The Corporate Venture Strategy

Dec 5, 2022 12:00 PM (CST)


Larry Forman
Senior Manager at Deloitte

"Don't try to be a venture capitalist unless you are going to hire a team of VCs to run the fund for you or you may be disappointed." - Larry Forman

Corporate venture strategy involves interacting and forming relationships with venture funds. Corporations use corporate venture strategy to access different ecosystems and technology, without having to rely on internal building or acquisitions.

In this webinar, Larry Forman, Senior Manager and Head of the Ecosystem for Deloitte's New Venture Accelerator, discusses corporate venture strategy.

Here are the significant benefits of corporate venture strategy:

  1. Market Intel
  2. Increase Presence
  3. Building Relationships
  4. Potential Ecosystem
  5. Potential M&A
  6. Potential ROI

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