Tax Considerations in M&A

Lesley Adamo
Vice Chair of the Tax Group at Lowenstein Sandler LLP
“It is best if a seller has tax advisors involved during the term sheet because some of the terms in there could really be disadvantageous for them and hard to renegotiate later on.” - Lesley Adamo
The intricacies of tax considerations in a merger or acquisition (M&A) transaction cannot be overstated. These considerations play a crucial role in shaping the overall economics and structure of the deal, and can significantly impact the outcome for all parties involved.
In this webinar, Lesley Adamo, Vice Chair of the Tax Group at Lowenstein Sandler LLP, delves into the importance of tax considerations in M&A.
Things you will learn in this episode:
- Tax complexities in M&A
- Buyer’s tax considerations
- Seller’s tax considerations
- Gross-up in negotiations
- Net-operating losses