Risk Allocation Between Signing and Closing an M&A Deal

August 11, 2022 12:00 PM (CST)


Brett Shawn
Senior Vice President, Assistant General Counsel at Warburg Pincus LLC


Time creates uncertainty. From the moment a buyer and a seller have agreed to do the deal, to the time that it actually happens, people could change their minds." - Brett Shawn

Signing and closing are two very different things. These two can simultaneously occur on rare occasions, especially for private deals. But for public sales, there is an existing gap between signing and closing because of closing requirements.

In this webinar, Brett Shawn, Senior Vice President, Assistant General Counsel at Warburg Pincus LLC, talks about risks allocation between signing and closing an M&A deal.

Key points

Things you will learn in this episode:

  • Reasons why signing and closing don't happen simultaneously.
  • The Risks in the Gap between Signing and Closing.
  • How do you protect yourself from the risks between signing and closing?
  • Pros and cons of the gap between signing and closing.
  • What is the gun-jumping rule?

Watch webinar