Managing M&A Sourcing, Diligence, and Integration

Nov 8, 2021 9:00 AM (CST)


Aaron Whiting
M&A and Strategic Programs, ContinuumCloud Full-time
Sabeeh Khan
Director, Corporate Strategy & Development at Syniti


"If you don't have a go-to-market strategy, you have no business closing the deal" - Sabeeh Khan.

"Don't make assumptions that people already know the plan; there is power in repetition" - Aaron Whiting.

In this episode, Sabeeh Khan, Director, Corporate Strategy & Development at Syniti, and Aaron Whiting, M&A Strategic Programs at ContinuumCloud, talk about how to manage an entire M&A deal, from sourcing, diligence, and integration.

Key points

In this episode, you will learn about

  • best practices when it comes to deal sourcing
  • the importance of go-to-market
  • how to effectively integrate business
  • do's and don'ts during day one

This episode is sponsored by S&P Global Market Intelligence. Access the most up-to-date and accurate data on private companies in a single web-based platform so you can get all the resources you need to create a winning pitch.

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