Developing an M&A Thesis

Sept 16, 2022 12:00 PM (CST)


Siran Tanielyan
SVP, Corporate Development at Paramount

"An M&A thesis is a by-product of consistent conversations with the C-suite, business unit leaders, and continued assessment of the available assets." - Siran Tanielyan.

An M&A thesis is corporate development’s formal projection of where a specific area in the company can use M&A to accelerate the corporate strategy. A well-planned out M&A thesis is fundamental to a successful transaction.

In this webinar, Siran Tanielyan, SVP, Corporate Development at Paramount, talks about developing an M&A thesis.

Corporate development's role is to determine the organization's capabilities and how the capabilities can achieve the overall strategy. Here are the steps to building an M&A thesis:

  1. Corporate strategy
  2. Collaboration
  3. Capital allocation
  4. Targets available
  5. Buy-in leadership
  6. Establish consensus

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