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10 Tips To Help You Get Into Investment Banking

Kison Patel

Kison Patel is the Founder and CEO of DealRoom, a Chicago-based diligence management software that uses Agile principles to innovate and modernize the finance industry. As a former M&A advisor with over a decade of experience, Kison developed DealRoom after seeing first hand a number of deep-seated, industry-wide structural issues and inefficiencies.

CEO and Founder of DealRoom

Do you want to work in finance?

If the answer is yes, then you should consider a career in investment banking.

This field is growing rapidly, and there are many jobs available for those with the right skills.

In this blog post, we at DealRoom, will discuss 10 tips that will help you get into investment banking and start your career on the right track!

Tips to get into investment banking

  1. Do your research - learn about the industry and what investment bankers do
  2. Get a degree in business or economics
  3. Join a club or society related to finance or investment banking
  4. Start networking early on, attend industry events and meetups
  5. Develop your skillset, especially in Excel and financial modelling
  6. Write a great resume and cover letter
  7. Ace your interviews - practice makes perfect!
  8. Start working on your online presence, create a LinkedIn profile and make sure it’s updated
  9. Consider applying for an internship or entry-level position
  10. Keep learning and developing your skills, this industry is constantly changing!

1. Do your research - learn about the industry and what investment bankers do

If you're considering a career in investment banking, it's important to do your research and learn about the industry.

Investment bankers provide financial services to clients, including corporations, governments, and financial institutions. They help their clients raise capital by issuing and selling securities. 

Investment bankers also help their clients buy or sell companies, manage risk, and navigate the complex world of finance.

In order to be successful in this field, you need to have strong analytical and mathematical skills.

You must be able to thrive in a fast-paced environment and be comfortable with working long hours.

If you're looking for a challenging and rewarding career, investment banking may be the right fit for you.

Follow our recommendations on the best Investment Banking Courses and Certifications to make your CV stand out.

2. Get a degree in business or economics

A degree in business or economics is a great way to start your investment banking career.

These degrees will provide you with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills that you need to be successful in investment banking.

In addition, a degree from a top business school will give you an edge over the competition. 

3. Join a club or society related to finance or investment banking

There are many reasons to join a club or society related to finance or investment banking.

For one, it can be a great way to network with other professionals in the field. Whether you're looking for a new job or just trying to make contacts, being a part of a club or society can give you an edge. 

Additionally, these organizations often offer educational opportunities, such as guest speakers and seminars. They can also be a great source of information about the latest industry news and trends.

4. Start networking early on, attend industry events and meetups

Your chance of getting into investment banking is higher if you start networking early.

Meetups and industry events are a great way for beginners like yourself to meet people in your desired field, so take advantage! 

5. Develop your skillset, especially in Excel and financial modelling

Investment bankers use a lot of Excel and financial modelling in their work. If you're looking to get into investment banking, it's important to develop your skills in these areas.

There are many online resources that can help you improve your Excel and financial modelling skills. 

There are a lot of unique essays out there that can teach you about financial banking. For example, you could read unique "The Yellow Wallpaper" essays.

These unique essays can provide you with valuable insights into the world of finance and banking.

In addition, reading these essays can also help you learn more about the different aspects of financial banking.

By reading these unique essays, you will be able to gain a better understanding of how financial banking works and make you way up to the top.

6. Write a great resume and cover letter

When applying for jobs in investment banking, it's important to have a great investment banker resume and cover letter.

Your resume should be clear, and concise, and highlight your skills and experience. A tool such as a professional resume maker can help you with its structure and design.

Your cover letter should be well-written and tailored to the specific job you're applying for. 

7. Ace your interviews - practice makes perfect!

Investment banking interviews can be very challenging. They often involve difficult questions about finance and the investment banking industry.

To ace your interviews, it's important to practice ahead of time. There are many online resources that can help you prepare for investment banking interviews.

8. Start working on your online presence, create a LinkedIn profile and make sure it’s updated 

In today's world, it's important to have a strong online presence.

If you're looking to get into investment banking, make sure you create a LinkedIn profile and keep it updated.

Your LinkedIn profile is a great way to connect with other professionals in the industry, and it can also help you land a job.

9. Consider applying for an internship or entry-level position

If you're just starting out, consider applying for an internship or entry-level position in investment banking.

These positions can be a great way to get your foot in the door and gain experience in the industry.

10. Keep learning and developing your skills, this industry is constantly changing!

Keeping your skills current is important in any profession, but it's especially crucial in the financial industry.

That's because the landscape is constantly shifting, with new laws and regulations being enacted all the time.

In order to be successful, you need to be able to adapt quickly and stay ahead of the curve. 

Wrapping Up

If you're looking to get into investment banking, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success. Start by networking early on, and try to attend as many industry events and meetups as possible.

Additionally, make sure your resume and cover letter are top-notch, and practice ahead of time for your interviews.

Finally, commit to lifelong learning, as the financial industry is constantly changing.

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