Tame your M&A
chaos with DealRoom

Executing concurrent deals with multiple tools = M&A chaos. DealRoom is the M&A software platform that makes M&A more efficient for buyers, simpler for sellers, and provides visibility for everyone.

Trusted by the world’s leading M&A practitioners

Say goodbye to painful deal execution and missed synergies

The old way

Excel Table screenshot showing the old way of working with Pipeline integration

Scattered deal data

Deal information is dispersed across multiple tools making it difficult to manage and track.

Siloed communication

Internal and external teams work in isolation leading to team misalignment and errors.

Disconnected diligence  & integration

Fragmented workflows lead to missed opportunities for synergy and value creation.

The DealRoom way

Screenshot of modern DealRoom Interface facilitation Pipeline Integration

Centralized deal data

Unify all deal data in one secure, accessible location to ensure easy tracking and management.

Unified communication

Foster clear communication between internal and external deal teams within the platform.

Synchronized diligence  & integration

Align strategic goals with integrated processes to realize maximum synergies in every deal.

DealRoom optimizes your M&A lifecycle

Discover how leading M&A teams are achieving success with DealRoom

“With DealRoom we perform the end-to-end M&A process. It’s a purpose-built M&A platform for teams like ours to not only build out our pipeline but to also manage the entire deal lifecycle with robust data room and also execute integration.”
Camilo Franco
Director, M&A Integration and Operation
Deal time cut in half
using DealRoom
20+ deals, over $200+ million enterprise value
managed on DealRoom
Read case study
“What I love about DealRoom is the data room. You can post whatever artifacts you want, and add appropriate permissions. This is where role-based access control really comes into play. You can assign various stakeholders to a group and give that group access to files through file permissions”
Shrey Parekh
Former Global Head of Corporate Development and Venture
35 Hours saved per deal
using DealRoom
Completed 2+ deals
on DealRoom
Read case study
“There are a lot of different tools such as Outlook, Teams, Sharepoint.. but DealRoom is a place where we can go back to and have everything we need in one specific location.”
Allison D'Agostino
Director of M&A Integration at Cadence Education
40+ hours of time savings
using DealRoom
15+ deals, over $200+ million enterprise value
managed on DealRoom
Read case study
"Our team can now communicate directly with the target company on specific request items and get answers in real time. There's great visibility and it has significantly reduced time spent on email exchanges. DealRoom has been a huge time saver."
Sarah McMorrow
Senior Enterprise Program Manager
2 hours of admin work saved per week
on DealRoom
Completed 2+ deals
on DealRoom
Read case study

Execute concurrent roll-up deals faster

Align seamlessly across all acquisitions with a single platform.

Eliminate manual tasks with automated workflows, alerts, and project management.

Boost speed and efficiency in managing multiple acquisitions with data room, reporting, diligence and integration tools in one place.

“Partnering with DealRoom changed the game for us. Now we can really plan and see where we're falling behind, where you're on track, and what are things that are missing. That's really hard to do without the right tools. Invest in the right tools, like DealRoom, and your deals will flow a lot quicker and a lot easier”
Ivan Golubic, CFO at FastLap
“20+ hours of diligence work saved per deal. “
Nicole Markowski
Division Director of Strategic Finance & Corporate Development
“Time is a killer of all deals. Now that problems are solved with DealRoom there are no more late nights.”
Michael Palumbo
Director of Corporate Development
“Invest in the right tools, like DealRoom, and your deals will flow a lot quicker and a lot easier.”
Ivan Golubic
“We not only build out our pipeline but also manage the entire deal lifecycle on DealRoom platform”
Camilo Franco
Director, M&A Integration and Operations
“Our team now has the ability to communicate directly with the target company on specific request items and get answers in real-time.”
Sarah McMorrow
Senior Enterprise Program Manager
“I closed the fastest deal of my career on DealRoom."
Chris Russell
VP of Corporate Development
"The instant win for us was no more spreadsheet madness.”
John Palusci
Division Director of Strategic Finance & Corporate Development
“DealRoom is going to save you a lot of heartache, time, and money; it knocks weeks off the process for us.”
Harrison Thomas
Chief of Growth Officer
“Now we have control of our data and are able to understand where it is going. I can give answers to our CEO quickly”
Jefferson Keith
Senior Vice President of Corporate Development
“Saved $200,000/ year by switching to DealRoom.”
Amy Weck
Vice President, M&A and Integrations

See how corp dev & integration teams can boost efficiency and unlock full deal value

Discover the power of DealRoom today