M&A Science Modern Summit


Haunted from inefficiencies during due diligence? Does failure to achieve post merger synergies leave you feeling aghast with regret? Is your team dreading adding another frightful deal into the pipeline?
Even though you can’t wave a magic wand and fix all your M&A woes, you can equip your team with the knowledge and tips to be successful. When M&A is conducted effectively it should be a treat, not a trick. Join us for the M&A Science Fall Summit on October 27 for sessions covering modern approaches to deal execution.
Agenda - Oct 27, 2021
10A-11A Save the Silver Bullet - Ben de Haldevang, Programme Director at Deloitte
11A-12P Sprintegration® - An agile framework for sustainably successful M&A integration - Moritz Miller, Leading Consultant at Drees & Sommer
12P-1P Measuring Success in M&A Integration - Jim Buckley, Vice President, Mergers and Acquisitions Integration at VMware
1P - 2P People Centric M&A - Chris von Bogdandy, Practice Director at Slalom
4P - 5P Happy Hour / Networking Social Hour
Learn more here.