Reduce your diligence contract analysis time

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 Trial Today!

What’s Included in the Free Trial?

  • Analyze up to 50 contracts with DealRoom AI for free.
  • Upload contracts and ask DealRoom AI, specific questions—get answers, explanations, and excerpts instantly.
  • Generate summaries across multiple similar contracts, such as employee agreements, and compare them side by side.
Thank you!
"DealRoom AI has been a game-changer for our team. Being able to take the manual, time-consuming process of reviewing long legal documents to an automated short summary report of the key terms in 5 minutes is invaluable."
Becky Manders
, Head of Acquisition Finance
Becky Manders
"By utilizing DealRoom AI, we anticipate a reduction in the time spent reviewing acquisition target contracts. It helps us quickly extract contracts' relevant terms and data points into concise, easily digestible reports. This efficiency allows us to allocate more time and effort to analyzing the data and providing insights, rather than just curating it for review."
Tyler Huntington
, Sr Corporate Development/M&A Analyst
Tyler Huntington
"Our lawyers are using DealRoom AI to summarize key terms and identify change of control provisions in documents that are often hard to find. The ability to quickly locate critical information without the need for extensive manual review has saved us several hours per deal (with the consequent savings on advisors fees) and give our team time back in their days to focus on more strategic work."
Gustavo Subiela
, Executive VP of Corporate Development
Gustavo Subiela

Watch All Demo, No Pitch

This live webinar delivers 30 minutes of pure demo- no pitch, no slides. See how DealRoom’s AI Analysis:

  • Automates key info extraction from diligence contracts
  • Generate instant summaries across multiple contracts
Watch Now

DealRoom AI Product Tour

Act now- limited seats available for the AI trial ending December 31!

Save up to 80% of Your Contract Review Time

Manually reviewing diligence contracts eats up precious hours. Use our time-savings calculator to discover how much time DealRoom’s AI Analysis can free up for your team.
Number of contracts:
Estimated time you spend reviewing each contract (minutes):
Cut your due diligence contract review time from 40 to 32 with DealRoom AI
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